Faculty Guide to Disability Services

Disability and Counseling Services reflect a strong commitment to diversity and the individual needs of students.

Please refer students to Counseling office who may need assistance in coping with challenges of college life, such as, adjustment difficulties, academic-related stress and relationship problems.

Seven Points to Guide Faculty

1. Provide accommodations for students with disabilities by collaborating with the student and ODS. Although ODS is the designated campus office to provide appropriate accommodations and auxiliary aids for students with disabilities, in order for most accommodations to occur, instructors, students, and ODS staff must collaborate, communicate, and follow through on commitments in a timely fashion.

2. Include a statement regarding accommodations in your syllabi. This message should state, “If you are a student with a disability and need accommodations, you are welcome to meet with me to discuss arrangements for the accommodations.”

3. Meet with students with disabilities regarding disability matters, and maintain their confidentiality. Conduct disability-related meetings in a private location. They may be requesting assistance getting notes or asking you to facilitate taking exams with accommodations at ODS. In either event, privacy is essential.

4. Work with ODS to provide students print materials, i.e. textbooks, handouts, etc., converted to alternate formats in a timely manner. Students need to get materials at the same time as their peers.

5. Do not feel obligated to provide accommodations if a student with a known disability have not requested them. In other words, you are not asked to guess or predetermine what a student may need. Students have the right to choose not to use accommodations. On the other hand, if a student asks retroactively to fix a problem because he/she has failed to use accommodations, you are not under any obligation to do so.

6. Do not provide accommodations to a student who is not registered with ODS. Not all students with disabilities are registered with ODS. This office is the only office designated to review documentation of a disability and determine eligibility for specific accommodations for students. If in doubt, ask the student to provide a letter from ODS. Also, if a request for an accommodation is questionable or seems unreasonable, consult with the student's disability coordinator.

7. Work with ODS to provide individualized accommodations, auxiliary aids, and support services based upon disability documentation, functional limitations, and a collaborative assessment of student needs. ODS generally coordinates services for students with disabilities, but should you choose to provide accommodations without making arrangements through ODS, it is important that you provide appropriate accommodations.

Contact Us

Counseling Office
803 535 5285
Fax: 803 535 5607

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