Spiritual Life

In addition to sustaining a collegial environment that inspires academic excellence and ground-breaking research, ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ also remains true to the mission of its founders as an affiliate of the United Methodist Church. The University promotes spiritual growth and understanding through Christian values while consciously embracing diversity, inclusion and pluralism.

Recognized as one of the nation’s leading liberal arts institutions, ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ University sustained its commitment to provide an environment for high quality living and learning with a plethora of inspirational and motivational events. The spiritual life of the campus continues to be enhanced and uplifted with traditional activities that included launching the University’s Young Clergy Initiative during the time-honored Granville Hicks Leadership Academy for Laity and Clergy.

ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ’s Young Clergy Initiative

ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ’s Young Clergy Initiative is a $100,000 grant from The United Methodist Church’s Young Clergy Initiative Fund to identify, recruit, and develop a promising pool of young individuals for pastoral leadership in The United Methodist Church. Awareness of the grant is given much attention during the Granville Hicks Leadership Academy for Laity and Clergy that is held annually at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ in James and Dorothy Z. Elmore Chapel during Religious Emphasis Week. Religious Emphasis Week features a host of distinguished speakers and presentations that focus on leadership and spiritual development.


ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ continues to offer Sunday services at the James and Dorothy Z. Elmore chapel, and a mid-week “Power Hour” service featuring speakers from the campus and community each Thursday evening. The chapel remains a place where visitors can seek refuge, meditation and spiritual growth.

Spiritual Life

Spiritual life is an important part of the student experience at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ. As an institution related to the United Methodist Church, we seek to be a Christian witness to the students, staff, administrators and faculty at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ providing ministries that liberate mind, body, and soul. Whether you are looking to participate in traditional religious observances or simply volunteer for a good cause, we welcome you to join us!

Supporting the Spiritual Community

Our ministry seeks to address the spiritual needs of the community in three areas.

Nurture and Fellowship

  • Weekly Worship (Power Hour)
  • Dialogue Over Meal
  • Faculty/Staff Study
  • Student Bible Stud
  • Holy Communion
  • Movie Night
  • Counseling
  • Residence Hall Visits
  • Holiday events

Community Service and Outreach

  • Clothing Drive
  • Thanksgiving Worship and Baskets
  • Servant Leadership Program
  • Nursing Home Visits
  • National Student Day of Prayer
  • World Day of Prayer
  • Recruitment for the Ordained Ministry
  • Work Mission Camp

Ecumenical Ministries

  • Retreats (National, Regional, Local)
  • Student Christian Organizations
  • Oxford Club/Wesley Foundation
  • Religious Emphasis Week
  • Seminary Visitation
  • Christian Rap Session
  • Mentoring Ministerial Candidates

Contact Us

Rev. Larry D. McCutcheon
University Chaplain
Suite 10, Room 12
803-535-5150 (Office)
email: lmccutcheon@claflin.edu

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