
Before Registering

  • Have your ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ University email address and default password available.
  • If you do not have a University email address and password, contact the ITS helpdesk at (803) 535-5767 or send an email to helpdesk@claflin.edu.
  • Know the name of your cell phone provider, and have your cell phone with you and turned on when registering.
  • The University has already registered you using your email address and your default network password (The one assigned to you when you first arrived at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ University).
  • If you do not know your password, click on the "Forgot your Password?" link and a generic one will be sent to your ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ email address.
  • The University will send one test message per semester.
  • Once your account is active, you can log in to your account and:
    Change your status from active to inactive
    Change your cell phone number
    Change your cell phone provider
    Change your email options
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