Center of Excellence in Teaching

The Center for Excellence in Teaching facilitates and enhances quality teaching, student learning and excellence at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ University.

It empowers a professional faculty to inspire, promote, and exemplify distinguished teaching and to foster and enhance deep and lifelong learning in all areas of the University's educational endeavor.

Established in 1999 with funds from the Bush Foundation, the Center for Excellence in Teaching is the primary resource for faculty development and is one of the most productive areas for the enhancement of teaching effectiveness and boosting the overall academic climate on campus. Since its inception, the Center has hosted a number of faculty development activities, technology workshops, brown bag seminars, and guest speakers throughout each academic year. Additionally, the Center has awarded travel and research grants to faculty on a competitive basis. These offerings have allowed faculty opportunities for professional growth in a variety of areas to better serve their students by incorporating a range of concepts into daily teaching assignments.

The Center for Excellence has also allowed faculty to collaborate on special projects creating mechanisms for a multitude of interdisciplinary investigations. Although interdisciplinary practices already permeate ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ in a variety of ways, deeper interactions have resulted from the support of the Center and can be anticipated to continue being developed.

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