Video Highlight


Videos can be placed throughout the site using the Video Highlight feature.

This component is designed to be used in the main content area of the two column templates.

Adding and Editing

  1. At the bottom of the content block editor, select the HTML option
  2. Copy and paste the code template below into the editor
    <div class="highlight video">
      <div class="media">[video]</div>
      <div class="details">
        <div class="date">[video date]</div>
        <div class="title">[video title]</div>
  3. If you're including a video from YouTube, copy the embed code from YouTube and paste it in place of the [video] text
  4. Click the Design option to switch back to the Design editor
  5. Replace/remove the content as necessary


October 19th, 2016
ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ Capital Campaign Celebration
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