Our program formats give busy professionals the opportunity to further their education while balancing personal responsibilities. Obtain the education necessary to be competitive in today’s economy and job market, and turn your long-held dreams into reality.

Continuing Education Track

The Continuing Education (CE) track affords adult students with no prior college credits or those with fewer than 40 semester hours to take general education courses in preparation for the major coursework. The CE format is year-round and enables students to work towards completing the general education requirements for the major. Classes in CE track meet in eight-week modules, with two sessions offered per semester.

Degree Completion Format

The Degree Completion format is year-round and enables students who work full-time to earn a bachelor’s degree. Offering full-time and part-time enrollment options, accelerated course lengths and evening and weekend class availability, you can earn your Bachelor's degree in as little as 18 months. The two degree-completion programs, one in partnership with the School of Business and the other in partnership with the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, are B.S. in Organizational Management and B.A. in Criminal Justice.

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