For Students

Student Role/Expectation

Students are encouraged to take full advantage of faculty outreach to provide additional support that will assist with their academic success. Early Alert is a valuable resource offered by the institution to provide tools needed to be successful.

Strategies for students to overcome barriers to success:

  • Accept that you are going to be successful
  • Reach out to your professor and ask for help when needed
  • Be proactive and take advantage of the resources on campus such as tutoring
  • Respond to your Early Alert timely and use the resources offered to you
  • Make a commitment to reach your academic and personal goals
  • Take charge of your academic success and be consistent

Student Benefit

The early alert program is designed to promote a higher level of engagement and motivation for students as a result to make better decisions about their academic life. The Early Alert program for students:

  • Increases motivation for participating and attending class
  • Improves engagement with their professor in and out the classroom
  • Builds self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Develops leadership skills and commitment
  • Provides an opportunity for them to take charge of their educational experience by utilizing resources on campus that are designed to help with a timely degree completion
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