Sciences (General)

Multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.

This database focuses on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It offers libraries full text articles for more than 180 international, and often peer-reviewed journals and reports. In addition, there are hundreds of pamphlets, booklets, special reports, original research and book excerpts. Alt HealthWatch provides in-depth coverage across the full spectrum of subject areas covered by complementary and alternative medicine.

Content includes coverage of a wide variety of applied science specialties—acoustics to aeronautics, neural networks to nuclear and civil engineering, computers and informatics and much more.

A giant online collection that searches hundreds of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations and subject specific titles as well as 200,000+ images and audio files and nearly 100 videos.

Provides full text from more than 100 periodicals dating as far back as 1995. Subject coverage includes astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, conservation, health & medicine, oceanography, physics, zoology and much more.

Offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.

JoVE  (Journal of Visualized Experiments) is a scientific video collection that make teaching, learning, and practicing science more efficient, effective, and engaging. Includes access to more than 10,000 videos across multiple disciplines including biochemistry, social psychology, chemistry, biology, environmental science, etc.

JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. JSTOR helps people discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content through a powerful research and teaching platform, and preserves this content for future generations.

Provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings).

ProQuest Ebook Central is an online digital library of over 200,000 scholarly e-book titles. 

Produced by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), is the most comprehensive database for the chemical literature, indexing journal articles and patent records (and other document types), as well as chemical substances and reactions. You can search by topic, author, and substances by name or CAS Registry Number, OR use the editor to draw chemical structures, substructures, or reaction.

Please click the  to register and create a new username and password to gain access to the online version of SciFinder. Once you have done that you should be able to successfully login into the SciFinder module.

This database contains full text for nearly 640 science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, etc. Topics covered include: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife.

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