
Guidelines for Creating A Good Password

Passwords are very important and having a strong password will better protect your dataand your network. Creating passwords may seem annoying, but they are necessary. Creating a strong password can be easy. The following guidelines have been created to assist you in creating a good password.

Password guidelines

  • It must be at least 8 characters long
  • It must contain at least one number and one character
  • You cannot use a previously used password
  • It must not contain your username, first name or last name
  • It must contain at least three of the following four items:
    • Upper Case Letters
    • Lower Case Letters
    • Number(s)
    • Special Characters (Avoid these characters: &?<>, they mess with webmail passwords)

How to Avoid Bad Passwords

Avoid passwords that would be easy for someone to guess.

Don’t use:

  • Phone numbers
  • Names (salley)
  • All uppercase or all lowercase words (money, MILLION)
  • Short words (dog)
  • Slang (moneygrip)
  • Sequential letters or numbers (qrstuv, 123456)
  • Personal information (birth dates, SS#, favorite color, pets name)

When to Change Your Password

Passwords automatically expire every 90 days, however you should change your password if:

  • You have written it down and have misplaced it
  • You have shared your password with anyone else
  • You suspect someone has been using your computer without your consent
  • You have been a victim of phishing or spam
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