Career Planning

Wondering what life after graduation looks like for your major? This career planning resource offers tips and insights for your chosen area of study. 

It's never too early to begin planning and training for your career.

Five Career Planning Steps

1. Assess Yourself

  • What interests and skills have you developed?
  • What do you like best: working with people, things, or ideas and information?
  • What subjects really interest you?

2. Explore Possibilities:

  • Read about various career possibilities of interest to you.
  • Get experience: part time work, volunteering, co-op education.
  • Explore options through apprenticeships, mentoring, and career days.

3. Inform Yourself

  • What are the qualifications needed?
  • What are the projected needs for this type of position in the future?
  • What are the working conditions: working alone, with others, indoors, outdoors, etc.
  • What are the work place laws you need to know about?

4. Prepare Yourself:

  • Have your resume and cover letter ready and available.
  • Make up a job hunting plan including goals, contacts, and schedules.
  • Find out information about the company.

5. Present Yourself:

  • Make sure that your resume is articulate and professional.
  • Make sure that your appearance is professional, well groomed, and presentable.
  • Career Planning Materials
  • The Office of Career Development has many career planning materials that you can come by and take with you.

Cooperative Education

Cooperative Education (Co-op) is a unique educational program that combines academic instruction with a supervised career-related work experience. A co-op student will:

  • Receive a practical education.
  • Receive a competitive salary.
  • Contribute to the employer's productive work effort.

The Cooperative Education Program at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ University allows a student who has completed 45 semester hours to alternate a semester of paid employment with a company related to the student's major field with a similar period of study until the senior year. The student must complete a minimum of two work periods. This enables the student to integrate classroom work with practical on-the-job experience while studying for their undergraduate degree.

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