Faculty Profiles


Faculty profiles appear on the Faculty & Research page, and as individual faculty profile pages. Profile pages should be updated annually to include new research and accomplishments. Profiles need to be managed frequently to include new faculty or remove faculty that leave the University.

Adding and Editing Faculty Profiles

From the Content drop down at the top, select Faculty Profiles. To create a new faculty profile, select the Create a Faculty Profile button. To edit an existing one, click on the profile from the list. Please ensure that you edit the URL Name of the profile to remove any special characters (periods, for example).




  • Full Name: Full display name of the person & unique identifier 
  • Job Title: Job title of the faculty member
  • First Name: First name of the person 
  • Last Name: Last name of the person 
  • Image: Image of the person to appear everywhere the profile is displayed
  • School: School the faculty member is associated with
  • Introduction Text: A short introduction about the person
  • Biography: the editor field that collects the full biography of the person to appear on the detail view
  • Education: editor field for listing the faculty member's education
  • Experience: editor field for listing the faculty member's experience
  • Research Interests: editor field for listing the faculty member's research interests
  • Activities and Honors: editor field for listing the faculty member's activities and honors
  • Recent Publications: editor field for listing the recent publications of the faculty member
  • Recent Presentations: editor field for describing the recent presentations of the faculty member
  • Recent Exhibitions: editor field for describing the recent exhibitions of the faculty member
  • Recent Performances: editor field for describing the recent performances of the faculty member
  • Service: editor field for listing the faculty member's service
  • Location: faculty member's office/class location
  • Email: email address for the faculty member
  • Phone Number: phone number for the faculty member
  • LinkedIn Profile URL: faculty member's LinkedIn profile link
  • Video Highlight - Tag: tag for the video highlight of the faculty member
  • Video Highlight - Description: description of the faculty member's video highlight
  • Video Highlight - Video Embed Code: the embed code of the faculty member's video highlight 
  • Quote: faculty member's quote


  • Faculty Profile - Detail: Template used to display individual profile detail pages
  • Faculty Profiles - Faculty & Research:  Template used to display list of faculty profiles on the Faculty & Research page
  • Faculty Profiles - Profile Grid: Displays a grid of faculty profiles
  • Faculty Quote Row:  Displays the quote of selected profile, intended for use in full width column area


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