Service Learning and Community Service

The Service Learning and Community Service program enhances our vision of preparing students for academic progression and real world engagement.

ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ requires all freshmen and sophomore students to complete a service learning and community service requirement as part of our commitment to preparing students for academic progression and real-world engagement. We're committed building a bridge between serving and learning and forging a link between the community and higher-learning institutions. Through this program, you'll gain societal insight that will help to broaden your understanding of the community and world around you as well as leadership and real-world communication skills that will benefit your career. By bringing reality to the classroom, coursework becomes more engaging and significant.

SLCS Faculty and Student Guide


The following information outlines specific details of the community service requirement.

  • Freshman and Sophomore Students: 20 hours per year
  • Honors College Students: 70 hours per year (Please see the Honors College for additional information)

Submission Guidelines

Credit is given for hours served at approved agencies only. See the Service Learning and Community Service Coordinator for a list of approved agencies.

Complete ALL information on the top of the Student Service Time Log prior to submission.

Obtain the Agency Supervisor’s signature on the Student Service Time Log on each day of service. Before the specified monthly deadline, obtain the Agency’s Supervisor signature. This signature validates all information is correct. (NO SIGNATURE= NO CREDIT)

  1. Sign up for an account and submit all digital records via volunteer management database, GivePulse.
  2. Complete an evaluation at the end of the activity writing a reflection (3 sentences or more) for each impact entry, on experiences throughout their service activity (via GivePulse)
GivePulse Guide Instructions

*Impacts are to be immediately submitted on each date service is completed. Failure to do so, will result in non-approval of hours. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED

Community Service Transcript/Summary 

Do you want to get ahead of the game and begin building your volunteer service portfolio or do you need to validate your past community service hours? Luckily, there is already a solution available! Requesting a record of community service hours is now at your fingertips. 

The Community Service Transcript can be utilized whether you are: 

  • applying for an internship, scholarship, or employment 
  • interested in joining a Greek organization 
  • needing proof you completed a community service assignment
  • satisfying graduation requirements

You can send the transcript as a link, download the PDF file to print and attach to any application, or QR code for your resume. Showcase your awesome volunteer work to the world!

How to Access Your Community Service Transcript

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