Telephone Services

Vonage Business gives you a more convenient and dependable way to communicate with people both inside and outside the university. Voice messaging gives you the confidence that all your incoming and outgoing messages will be handled efficiently. The new phone system gives you several ways to check voicemail and manage your phone calls.

How To Place a Call

  • External: Dial ‘#’, then 10 digit telephone number (1 is not needed)
  • Internal: Dial extension only

Answer a Second Call

  • Press ANSWER softkey (the first call is automatically placed on hold)

Place a Second Call

  • Press NEW CALL softkey (the first call is automatically placed on hold
  • Dial extension or external number

To Move Between Calls

  • Move Toggle Up or Down to highlight desired call
  • Press RESUME softkey (the other caller is automatically placed on hold)

Transfer (Attended)

  • Press MORE softkey, then TRNSFR softkey
  • Dial extension or external number
  • Announce the caller
  • To complete transfer, Hang up or press END CALL softkey
  • If recipient does NOT want to take the call, Toggle up to call on hold and press RESUME softkey to speak to the caller

Transfer (Direct/Blind)

  • Press MORE softkey, then TRNSFR softkey
  • Dial extension or external number and hang up or press END CALL softkey

Transfer Directly to Voicemail

  • Press MORE softkey, then TRNSFR softkey
  • Dial ‘977’ and the extension, then hang-up or press END CALL softkey


  • When on a live call, press MORE softkey, then CONF softkey
  • Dial extension or external number and ask recipient to join conference
  • To connect into the conference, press MORE softkey then CONF softkey again. “To iCore Conference” will appear on the Phone Screen
  • If recipient does NOT want to join the conference, Toggle up to call on hold and Press RESUME softkey to speak to the caller



Press MESSAGES button or dial ‘955’ from any Vonage Phone, enter mailbox number, then enter password.

  • For external access, dial your direct line, then press * when the greeting begins, enter mailbox #, then enter the password.

Setting Up Your Voice Mailbox

To take full advantage of the Mail system, you should take a few minutes to set up your mailbox. This will help you and your callers communicate better.

Recording your Greetings

  • Log into voicemail
  • Press 5 to record your greetings
    • Press 1 to record No Answer
    • Press 2 to record DND (Do Not Disturb)
    • Press 3 to record Busy
    • Press 4 to record Your Name
    • Press 5 to replace your greeting with the Default Greeting
    • Press * to return to the Previous Menu
  • Follow the prompts for the option you chose

Recording your Personal Greeting

Your Personal Greeting is very important as it can be the first contact people have with you or your department. Voicemail is only impersonal if you make it that way. Your greeting should let the caller know who they have reached, what your status is (out of the office, in the office, in a meeting, etc.), when the caller can expect to receive a call back, and instructions on what to do if the call is urgent. See sample greetings for suggested formats.

Sample Voicemail Greetings

Another way to make sure that your callers are informed while you are out of the office is to use a Temporary Absence Greeting (TAG). For example, if you are going to be out of town on vacation for a week, you can record a TAG informing callers that you will be unable to return their call until you return from vacation.


1. You have reached (your name) in the (your department). I am unavailable to take your call right now, please leave a detailed message and I will return your call as soon as possible.

2. Hello, this is (your name) in the (your department). I'm in today but unable to take your call now. But if you leave your name, number and a detailed message, I will return your call as soon as possible. If you require personal assistance during regular business hours, please press 0. Thank you.

3. Thank you for calling ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ University. You have reached (your name) in the (your department). I am either away from my desk or on the phone. Please leave your name, number and a brief message and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience.

Temporary Absence Greeting (TAG)

1. Hello, this is (your name). I'm away from my desk right now. I can be reached in the 5th floor meeting room, extension XXXX if it is urgent, or leave a message after the tone and I'll call you as soon as possible.

2. Hello, this is (your name). I'm out of the office today but will be checking for messages. Please leave your name, number and a detailed message after the tone. I'll return your call as soon as possible.

3. This is (your name). I'm out of town today but if you need to call me I can be reached at XXX-XXXX before noon and at XXX-XXXX after 1 p.m., until 4 p.m. If it is not urgent, leave a message and I will call you tomorrow when I return.

4. Hello, this is (your name). I'm on vacation for 2 weeks and will be returning on August 27. Please call XXXX in my absence and (their name) will be pleased to help you.

Recording A Temporary Absence Greeting (TAG):

The TAG is used in situations where your normal working routine will be interrupted for a period of time (i.e. vacation, business trips, etc.). The TAG temporarily overrides your existing greetings while you are away from your office.

If you want your phone to go straight to voicemail while you are out of the office, then record the greeting for DND (Do Not Disturb)

  • Log into Voice Mail
  • Press * (asterisk)
  • Press 5 to record your greeting
  • Press 2 to record DND (Do Not Disturb)
  • Follow the prompts
  • Next you will need to turn on DND, by pressing the DND button located on your phone display. Once pressed, your phone will display Do not disturb is active. When you are back in the office, press the button again to deactivate.
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