Alumni Profiles


Alumni profiles appear on the Alumni Voices page and as individual alumni profile pages. Alumni profiles should be added frequently as they are a clear testament to incoming students and parents of the success of ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ students. Aim to add eight to ten new profiles per year.

Adding and Editing Alumni Profiles

From the Content drop down at the top, select Student Profiles. To create a new student profile, select the Create a Student Profile button. To edit an existing one, click on the profile from the list.




  • Full Name: Full display name of the person & unique identifier 
  • First Name: First name of the person 
  • Last Name: Last name of the person 
  • Introduction Text: A short introduction about the person
  • Biography: the editor field that collects the full biography of the person to appear on the detail view
  • Graduation Year: Year the person graduated 
  • Quote: Quote from the person
  • Image: Image of the person to appear everywhere the profile is displayed
  • Major: Major of the person


  • Alumni Profiles - Detail: Template used to display individual profile detail pages
  • Alumni Profiles - Alumni Voices:  Template used to display list of alumni profiles on the Alumni Voices page
  • Alumni Quote Row:  Displays the quote of selected profile, intended for use in full width column area


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