Academic Advising

Academic Advising at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ University is offered to support your academic progress toward earning your college degree. Your academic advisor will help guide your educational decisions about your academic and career goals through frequent contact during your matriculation at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ.

What is academic advising?

Academic advising is a process by which a college faculty or staff member provides insight and guidance to a college student on academic, social, and/or personal matters. Career goals, study strategies, class schedules, you name it…your academic advisor is prepared to answer your questions. Your academic advisor wants to work with you to develop pathways for academic success as soon as possible.

Who are academic advisors at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ University?

Primarily, academic advisors at ÇÑ×ÓÊÓƵ University are professors in academic departments (faculty), who are assigned to students based on the student's majors. For specific groups of students, such as athletes, non-traditional students, probationary students, etc., staff academic advisors provide additional support and guidance to students and faculty advisors.

Our Mission

Faculty and staff academic advisors will work to build relationships with students that nurture and helps them develop academic skills and goals for engaged citizenship in the workforce and beyond. Exemplary practices of proactive advising will help students identify academic challenges prior to the occurrences of problems, and to explore personal interests and strengths for the development of educational plans.

Why See Your Academic Advisor?

  • To build an academic advising relationship with an experienced person in your major
  • To introduce yourself as a new student
  • To explore career options in your major
  • To determine your interests, strengths, challenges, values, and goals
  • To discuss study strategies
  • To help identify needed campus services
  • To celebrate successes
  • For any reason

Contact Us

Twaina Harris, Ed.D., LPC
Director of Academic Advising and Student Engagement

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