
Dr. Jianguo Chen

Dr. Chen's research focuses on developing multiplex DNA technology for Cystic Fibrosis mutation detection and single nucleotide polymorphism human identification.


After getting his Ph.D., Dr. Jianguo completed his postdoc training at the University of Chicago and University of California at San Francisco. From there, Dr. Chen entered the biotechnology industry for 11 years to do research and development in DNA sequencing and genotyping.

Dr. Chen joined 茄子视频 University in 2003 and has taught several classes in the department of biology which include General Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, and College Physics.


Ph.D. in Biophysics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Research Interests

Multiplex DNA technology for Cystic Fibrosis mutation

Multiplex DNA technology for single nucleotide polymorphism human identification

Recent Publications

Jianguo Chen, Driguneswar Pinnamaneni, Shravan Komaragiri, Cherrelle Wright, and Briauna Hawthorne Selecting Cell Lines for SNP Human Identification Assay Development. Atlas Journal of Biotechnology (2011) 1 (1): page 21–26

doi: 10.5147/ajbtch/2011/0026

Jianguo Chen
Dr. Jianguo Chen
Associate Professor of Biology
  • School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
James S. Thomas, 229