
鈥婦r. Eunjung Choi

With excellent record of both research and piano performance/pedagogy, Dr. Eunjung Choi cooperates our music department to foster 茄子视频 students as a visionary leader and provides her service to music education field.


Dr. Eunjung Choi, a native of Seoul, South Korea, currently serves as Professor of Music at 茄子视频 University in Orangeburg, South Carolina, where she administers the keyboard program as well as teaches applied piano, class piano, piano pedagogy/literature, and music appreciation courses. Most recently, Dr. Choi was selected to be one of four recipients for the FY 2023 Fellowship award from the South Carolina Arts Commission. In addition, she was awarded a 2022 SC Humanities Major Grant and a 2021 SC Humanities Planning Grant to present lecture-recital series to South Carolina audiences. She was also awarded a 2021 South Carolina Arts Commission Arts Project Support Grant to make her CD, titled “Celebrating Women Composers.” Other performance projects have included a 2016 South Carolina Arts Commission Quarterly Grant to make her solo CD, titled “Inside Out: A Journey,” and a Major Grant from The Humanities Council SC for the lecture-recital series, “Promoting South Carolina African-American Composers' Classical Music.” Videos from the lecture-recital series may be viewed at .  

Dr. Choi has presented numerous performances to international, national, and regional music audiences in the United States and South Korea. She has been selected to perform in many conferences, including the College Music Society’s Regional, National, and International Conferences, Boston University African-American Music in World Culture International Conference, African Diaspora SymposiumThe National Association of Negro Musicians Annual Conference, and The Korean Association of Piano Pedagogy Annual Symposiums in Seoul, South Korea. She has also been invited to perform in various venues such as Georgia College & State University Concert Series, Edward Waters College Concert Series, Steinway Galleries of Greenville and Charleston, Greenville Women’s Music Club, Stevenson Auditorium Concert sponsored by the Orangeburg Music Club, Pensacola Music Teachers Association, Texas A&M University-Commerce Concert Series, Midwestern State University Concert Series, The Korea Opera Society, Gimpo City Opera Association, and The Korea Piano Society in South KoreaIn addition, Dr. Choi has been appeared as a concerto soloist with the Limestone College Wind Ensemble, 茄子视频 University Wind Ensemble, and Georgia College & State University Concert Band. 

Her research presentations have included topics such as multicultural music performance and teaching strategies and curriculum development to incorporate interdisciplinary approaches in music higher education. Her articles have been published in International Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science, Piano Magazine, American Music Teacher, the Journal of Music Education Science, published by the Korean Society of Music Educational Technology, and the Korean Association of Piano Pedagogy Press.

In addition to her active schedule as a soloist, collaborative artist, masterclass clinician, and adjudicator, Dr. Choi has been very active in the South Carolina Music Teachers Association, currently serving as President-Elect. She is also on the board member of the Korean Association of Piano Pedagogy.


  • Doctor of Musical Arts, Piano Pedagogy, University of South Carolina-Columbia
  • Master of Music, Piano and Organ Performance, Ball State University
  • Bachelor of Music, Piano Performance, Dongduk Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea
  • Certificate, Management Development Program, Harvard University Graduate School of Education

Research Interests

  • Multiculturalism in Music Performance
  • Piano Music of Franz Liszt
  • Interdisciplinary Teaching Approaches in Music Higher Education
  • Integration of Music and English Language Instruction
  • Music Administration in Higher Education

Activities and Honors

  • The National Association for Music Educators (NAfME), Member
  • Music Teachers National Association, Member
  • South Carolina Music Teachers Association, Member
  • The College Music Society, Member
  • Pi Kappa Lambda, Honorary Music Society, Lifetime Member
  • The Korean Association of Piano Pedagogy, Lifetime Member
  • The Korea Music Educators Society, Lifetime Member
  • The Korean Society of Music Educational Technology, Lifetime Member
  • The Korean Piano Society, Lifetime Member

Recent Publications

  • Choi, E. & Sanchez, L. (2020).“The Nuts and Bolts of Teaching Piano Duet Repertoire: John Corigliano’s Gazebo Dances for Piano Four Hands.” Piano Magazine, Vol. 12, no. 5, Autumn Issue. 
  • Jasina, J., & Choi, E. (2020). “The Effectiveness of Adapting the Six Thinking Hats Model into Music Courses to Improve Critical Thinking Skills.” International Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science, 5 (11). 

Recent Presentations

  • Choi, E. (November 2021). “Integrative Strategies to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Piano/Music Lessons.” South Carolina Music Teachers Association Annual Conference, Columbia, SC.
  • Jasina, J. & Choi, E. (May 2021). Keynote Speaker, “Promoting Critical Thinking in Music,” The 13th Annual Symposium of the Korean Association of Piano Pedagogy, Virtual Conference, South Korea.
  • Jasina, J., & Choi, E. (February 2020). “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Enhance Critical Thinking and Writing Skills,” University of South Carolina Center for Teaching Excellence’s 2020 Spring Workshop, Columbia, SC.
  • Jasina, J., & Choi, E. (July 2019). “Integrative Approaches to Improve Critical Thinking and Writing Skills: Adapting Six Hats Thinking System into Music Appreciation Courses,” South Carolina Conference on Innovations in Teaching and learning in Higher Education, Charleston, SC.
  • Choi, E. & Sanchez, L. (May 2018). “John Corigliano: ‘Gazebo Dances’ for Piano Four Hands” The10th Annual Symposium of the Korean Association of Piano Pedagogy, Seoul, South Korea.

Dr. Eunjung Choi
鈥婦r. Eunjung Choi
Professor of Music
  • School of Humanities & Social Sciences
W. Vernon Middleton Fine Arts Center, 115