
Dr. Bijoy Dey


Dr. Dey grew up in India and his high school teacher wanted him to become a Mathematician for his repeated top rankings in mathematics. As he was pursuing his undergraduate degree he became interested in chemistry and obtained a B.Sc. (Honors) with physics, chemistry and math concentrations.

By the end of his college days Dr. Dey knew he would only want to be a physical chemist, so he finished his Master's in chemistry with specialization in physical chemistry. He chose to attend Panjab University’s Center of Advanced study in Chemistry for doing research. This was possible because of the fellowship he received from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India. His thesis dissertation was titled “Density functional and quantum fluid dynamical studies on many-electron systems” which was derived from six of his publications during that period.

During the next few years Dr. Dey conducted research at several Institutes on different topics in physical chemistry. It was at the University of Waterloo that he first started teaching graduate level courses.He then joined the faculty of chemistry in Augustana University in 2008, where he taught, researched and published with students until he finally joined the chemistry faculty at 茄子视频 University in the fall of 2015.

Dr. Dey has published 27 papers in peer reviewed journals of moderate to high impact factors. He has two patents and one book published with Wiley publishers. Several of his publications have received numerous citations from people other than myself () and one of his papers on “quantum dynamics with Bohmian mechanic“ appeared as one of the reference articles in the textbook “Introduction to quantum mechanics: A time-dependent perspective“ widely used for graduate course in quantum dynamics. He is in the habit of keeping himself abreast of recent developments in the field of chemistry, and this helps him write research proposals in his continual effort to seek funding and enables him to do research with students.

Dr. Dey loves spending time with his children. When his children are sleeping, he watches soccer and cricket, his all-time favorite sports.

Dr. Dey typically teaches courses in physical chemistry in the upper division and general chemistry in the lower division. He also teaches quantum mechanics, biophysical chemistry and chemistry seminar courses. He mentors 2-4 students each year in a variety of research projects.

If you are a 茄子视频 student and interested in research you are encouraged to stop by Dr. Dey's office. He will be happy to discuss different research projects and opportunities to get you involved. Students can typically work during the academic year or apply for a research stipend during the summer.



Ph.D. in Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

M.Sc. in Chemistry, Chemistry Department, Burdwan University, Burdwan, West Bengal, India

B. Sc. With Honors in Chemistry, Chemistry Department, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, India

Research Interests

  • Modeling polymer-drug interaction through spectroscopic and crystallographic experimentation
  • Improving bioavailability of poorly-soluble drugs and design new drug delivery system
  • Designing new photo-chromic materials for molecular switches
  • Chemical reaction dynamics: Computing chemical reaction paths
  • Predicting transition states and reaction rate constants
  • Density functional theory for predicting regioselectivity, nucleofugacity, electrophilicity, and providing new perspectives on the hard/soft acid/base principle.
  • Photo-chemical processes with means to control the dynamical outcomes – quantum control
  • Non-linear optical properties and designing new optical materials
  • Molecular dynamics simulation of proteins
  • Atom/molecule interaction with laser electric pulse


  • Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Chemistry Department, Augustana University, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA 2008 - 2014
  • Research staff member, Chemistry Department, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
  • Research & Teaching staff, Chemistry Department, University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Research Associate, Chemistry Department, McMaster University, Canada
  • Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, Insttitut fuer Theoretische Physik, Freie Universitael Berlin, Arnimalle 14, Berlin, Germany, 2005
  • Post doctoral research fellow, Chemical Physics Theory Group, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Research professor, Koc University, Mathematics Department, Istanbul, Turkey



Activities and Honors


  • Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship awarded by the Humboldt Foundation, Germany, 2005
  • Research Associate of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, Government of India, 1996
  • Senior Research Fellow of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, Government of India, 1995
  • Junior Research Fellow of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, Government of India, 1994
  • Certificate of General Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), conducted by Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), Government of India, 1991


  • Chair of American chemical Society (ACS) South Dakota Local section (Sioux Valley), 2012-2014
  • Organizing ACS SD local section's annual undergraduate chemistry symposium and poster competition, 2011-2013
  • Session moderator, 48th ACS Midwest Regional Meeting, PCHEM II session Springfield, 2013
  • Session moderator, 47th ACS Midwest Regional Meeting, PCHEM I session Omaha, 2012
  • Acting referee for
  • Chemical Physics Letters
  • Journal of Physics B
  • Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
  • Journal of Photochemistry and photobiology

Recent Publications

Refereed articles:

  • Reaction paths and path profiles: a new perspective for understanding the physics and chemistry of reaction mechanism, Bijoy K. Dey, Chemical Physics Letters, (accepted, in press), 2016
  • Computing reaction paths of a bifurcation reaction: An action wave-front based perspective, Bijoy K. Dey, Taylor Kapsch, Nathan Truex and Robert Fick, Journal of Molecular Physics, 112, 937, 2014
  • Optimal non-linear dimension reduction scheme for classical molecular dynamics, Bijoy K. Dey, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 49, 2032, 2011
  • Computing chemical reaction path with a ray-based fast marching technique for solving the Hamilton-Jacobi equation in a general coordinate system, Bijoy K. Dey and Paul W. Ayers, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 45, 981, 2009
  • Computing tunneling paths with the Hamilton-Jacobi equation and the fast marching method, Bijoy K. Dey and Paul W. Ayers, Journal of Molecular Physics, 105, 71, 2007
  • Fast marching method for calculating reactive trajectories for chemical reactions, Bijoy K. Dey, Stuart Bothwell, and Paul W. Ayery, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 41, 1, 2007
  • A Hamilton-Jacobi type equation for computing minimum potential energy paths, Bijoy K. Dey and Paul W. Ayers, Journal of Molecular Physics, 104, 541, 2006
  • Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the least-action/least-time dynamical path based on fast marching method, Bijoy K. Dey, Marek R. Janicki, and Paul W. Ayers, Journal of Chemical Physics, 121, 6667, 2004     
  • Coherent control in nanolithography: Rydberg atoms, N. A. Nguyen, Bijoy K. Dey, M. Shapiro and P. Brumer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, A 108, 7878, 2004
  • Coherent control of atomic beam diffraction by standing light waves, Bijoy K. Dey, Physical Review A 67, 023401, 2003
  • Optimal reduced dimensional representation of classical molecular dynamics, Bijoy K. Dey, H. Rabitz, and Atilla Askar, Journal of Chemical Physics, 119, 5379, 2003
  • Coherent optimal control of multi-photon molecular excitation, Bijoy K. Dey, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34, 2189, 2001
  • Coherently controlled nano-scale molecular deposition, Bijoy K. Dey, Moshe Shapiro and Paul Brumer, Physical Review Letters, 85, 3125, 2000
  • Optimal control of quantum dynamics: a new theoretical approach, Bijoy K. Dey, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 33, 4643, 2000
  • Optimal control of molecular motion expressed through quantum fluid dynamics, Bijoy K. Dey, H. Rabitz and Atilla Askar, Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 61, 043412, 2000
  • Abstract of “Optimal control of molecular motion expressed through quantum fluid”, Bijoy K. Dey, H. Rabitz and Atilla Askar, Physical Review E: 61, 6032, 2000
  • Direct ab initio calculation of ground-state electronic energies and densities for atom and molecules through a time-dependent single hydro-dynamical equation, Bijoy K. Dey and B. M. Deb, Journal of Chemical Physics, 110, 6229, 1999
  • Direct calculation of ground-state electronic densities and properties of noble gas atoms through a single time-dependent hydro-dynamical equation, A. K. Roy, Bijoy K. Dey and B. M. Deb, Chemical Physics Letters, 308, 523, 1999
  • Multidimensional wave packet dynamics within the hydro-dynamical formulation of Schroedinger equation, Bijoy K. Dey, Atilla Askar and H. Rabitz, Journal of Chemical Physics, 109, 8770, 1998
  • Alternating direction implicit and quantum evolution within the hydro-dynamical formulation of Schroedinger equation, Bijoy K. Dey, Atilla Askar and H. Rabitz, Chemical Physics Letters, 297, 247, 1998
  • Femtosecond quantum fluid dynamics of helium atom under an intense laser field, Bijoy K. Dey and B. M. Deb, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 70, 441, 1998
  • Stripped ion-helium atom collision dynamics within a time-dependent quantum fluid density functional theory, Bijoy K. Dey and B. M. Deb. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 67, 251, 1998
  • A theoretical study of high-harmonics of 200 nm laser from hydrogen molecule and HeH+ molecular ion, Bijoy K. Dey and B. M. Deb, Chemical Physics Letters, 276, 157, 1997
  • Helium atom in intense and super intense laser field, Bijoy K. Dey and B. M. Deb, Journal of Physics, 48, L849, 1997
  • Time-dependent quantum fluid dynamics of photo-ionization of He atom under an intense laser field, Bijoy K. Dey and B. M. Deb, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 56, 707, 1995
  • Local scaling transformation and atomic shell structure in density functional theory, Bijoy K. Dey and B. M. Deb, Journal of Physics, 42, 149, 1994


  • The fast marching method for determining chemical reaction mechanism in complex systems, Yuli Liu, Steven Burger, Bijoy K. Dey, Utpal Sarkar, M. Janicki and P. W. Ayers, Quantum Biochemistry: Electronic Structure and Biological Activity, Wiley Pub., C. F. Matta (editor), ISBN: 978-3-527-32322-7, 2010
  • Developing and sustaining a research program at a traditionally undergraduate liberal arts college, G. Earl, B. Eichler, B. Moore, D. Weisshaar, J. Duffy-Matzner and B. K. Dey, ACS Symposium Series, Chapter 6, 61-80, 2014

Recent Presentations

Oral Presentation:

  • Chemical reaction paths: A new perspective for understanding the physics and chemistry of reaction mechanism, Physical Divisional Seminar, GSRC 101, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of South Carolina, February 2016
  • An introduction to action-based formulation of reaction path, Seminar talk at Theoretical Chemistry Group, GSRC 101, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, Oct 14, 2015
  • Computing Reaction paths and profiles of a bifurcation reaction: What can we learn from reaction path profiles? Physical chemistry special session in honor of Prof. Jim O’Brien, 48th Midwest Regional Meeting of ACS, Springfield, Oct 16-19, 2013
  • Computing Chemical Reaction Paths: A New Perspective of an Old Problem, Symposium on Excellence in Nurturing Undergraduate Research, North Dakota State University, Fargo, Apr 27, 2013
  • Bifurcation reactions: An action wave-front based perspective, 47th Midwest Regional Meeting of ACS, Omaha, Oct 24-27, 2012
  • Controlling molecular dissociation dynamics by designing a laser electric pulse, 47th Midwest Regional Meeting of ACS, Omaha, Oct 24-27, 2012
  • Computing Reaction Paths of bifurcation reactions: An action-wave-front based perspective , 243rd ACS National Meeting, San Diego, March 2012
  • Computing Reaction Path: A New Perspective of Old Problem, South Dakota State University, 2012
  • Computational Chemistry: An Overview with specific application, Workshop on Nanotechnology at Sinte Gleska University, South Dakota, Howyang C. and Dey B. K. (organizer) 2010
  • Finding Chemical Reaction Path: A New Hamilton-Jacobi Equation Based Method, 44th Annual Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Iowa City, October 21-24, 2009
  • Optimal Reduced dimensional representation Classical molecular dynamics, 23rd Annual Symposium on Chemical Physics, University of Waterloo, 2007
  • Computing Reaction Path: A New Perspective of Old Problem, Department of Computational Biology, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburg, USA, 2007
  • Fluid Dynamical Formulation of Time-dependent Schroedinger Equation With Applications to Photo-dissociation and Quantum Control, Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2007
  • Bohmian Mechanics and Controlling Quantum Dynamics, Max-Born Institute, Berlin, Germany, 2005
  • Bohmian Mechanics and Quantum Control, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Instituaet fuer Theoretische Physik, Berlin, Germany, 2005
  • Quantum Hydrodynamical Method for Time-Dependent Phenomena and optimal control of quantum dynamics, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 2005
  • Computing Reaction Paths by Fast Marching Method, Chemistry Department, University of Toronto, Canada, 2003
  • Controlling Atomic and Molecular Phenomena Under a Laser Electric Field, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2001
  • Coherent Control of Nano-scale Lithographic Pattern of a Thermal Molecular Beam, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2001
  • Optimal Control of Molecular Motion Within Quantum Hydrodynamics, Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Canada, 2000
  • Bohmian Mechanics, Photodissociation of Molecules and Optimal Control of Molecular Motion, TIFR, Mumbai, India 1999
  • High-harmonic generation from H2 and HeH+ : Quantum Hydrodynamical Approach: Koc University, Istanbul, 1997
  • Helium Atom Under Intense and Superintense Laser Field Within Quantum Fluid Density Functional Theory: Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Symposium, ``Trends in Theoretical Chemistry'', Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, 1996

Oral presentation by students:

  • Reaction path force and curvature: A new perspective on chemical reactions, Kaleb Brown, Science Seminar, Augustana University, Nov. 29, 2013
  • Drug-polymer interactions as a means of improving solubility of active pharmaceutical ingredients, Deann Naab and Chritopher Underhill, Science Seminar, Augustana University, Oct 11, 2013
  • Hamilton-Jacobi Equation, Fast Marching Method and Simulation of Reaction Path Ensemble, Truex Nathan, Annual Symposium, Augustana University, 2012
  • Exploring Quantum Dynamics of a Multi-Particle System, Marcus Edgington, Annual Symposium, Augustana University, 2012
  • Finding reaction paths: New perspective of an old problem, Truex Nathan, University of South Dakota, kick-off event of NPURC summer research, 2011


Poster presentation by students:

  • Spectroscopic characterization of Flutamide-Polyvinylpyrolidone interaction: improving bioavailability of drug molecules, Hency Nickson, USC School of Medicine, SC INBRE Symposium 2016
  • Intramolecular proton transfer dynamics in malonaldehyde based on Hamilton Jacobi equation, Shaquille Shaw, USC School of Medicine, SC INBRE Symposium 2016
  • Designing new photochromic material using Azobenzene and its derivatives: A theoretical study, Peter Ruppelt, 48th midwest regional meeting of ACS, springfield, Oct. 16-19, 2013
  • Drug-polymer interactions as a means of improving solubility of active pharmaceutical ingredients, Deann Naab, SD-BRIN convocation, University of South Dakota, 2013
  • Global hardness, electrophilicity and nucleophilicity-index, HOMO and LUMO: What can we learn about reactivity? Kyle Knapp, 47th ACS Midwest Regional Meeting (ACS-MWRM), Omaha, 2012
  • Ray-based propagation of multiple wave fronts: A new method for computing reaction paths, Collin Noldner, 47th ACS Midwest Regional Meeting (ACS-MWRM), Omaha, 2012
  • Laser-assisted quantum dynamics of molecular vibrational motion and means to control such dynamics, Jordan Kuiper, 47th ACS Midwest Regional Meeting (ACS-MWRM), Omaha, 2012
  • Ray-based propagation of multiple wave fronts: A new method for computing reaction paths, Collin Noldner, ACS Local section (Sioux Valley) poster competition, Sioux Falls, University Center, 2012 (3rd prize)
  • Fast Marching Algorithm for Reaction Dynamics: A New Perspective for Monte Carlo Sampling and Reaction Paths, Truex Nathan, 46th ACS Midwest Regional Meeting (ACS-MWRM), St Louis, 2011
  • Exploring quantum dynamics of a multi-particle system, Edington Marcus, 46th ACS-MWRM, St Louis, 2011
  • Quantum dynamics of a Morse oscillator in real and imaginary time, Hanson Coral, 46th ACS Midwest Regional Meeting (ACS-MWRM), St Louis, 2011
  • Fast marching algorithm for reaction dynamcs: A new perspective for Monte Carlo sampling and reaction paths, Truex Nathan, ACS Local section (Sioux Valley) poster competition, Brooking, University of South Dakota, 2011 (1st prize)
  • Exploring quantum dynamics of a multi-particle system, Edington Marcus, ACS Local section (Sioux Valley) poster competition, Brooking, University of South Dakota, 2011 (2nd prize)
  • Quantum dynamics of a Morse oscillator in real and imaginary time, Coral Hanson, ACS Local section (Sioux Valley) poster competition, Brooking, University of South Dakota, 2011
  • Computing reaction path of isomerization of HCN, Fick Robert, 241 st ACS National meeting, Anheim, CA, 2010
  • Computing reaction path of isomerization of HCN, Fick Robert, 45th ACS Midwest Regional Meeting (ACS-MWRM), Wichita, 2010
  • Classical wave-front-based simulation of reactions with bifurcation paths, Taylor Kapsch, 45th ACS Midwest Regional Meeting (ACS-MWRM), Wichita, 2010
  • Hamilton-Jacobi equation, fast marching method and simulation of reaction path ensemble, Truex Nathan, 45th ACS Midwest Regional Meeting (ACS-MWRM), Wichita, 2010
  • Computing reaction path of isomerization of HCN, Fick Robert, ACS Local section (Sioux Valley) poster competition, Brooking, USD, 2010 (1st prize)
  • Hamilton-Jacobi equation, fast marching method and simulation of reaction path ensemble, Nathan Truex, ACS Local section (Sioux Valley) poster competition, Brooking, USD, 2010 (3rd prize)

Bijoy Dey
Dr. Bijoy Dey
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
  • School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Molecular Science and Research Center, 103
803 535 5521