
鈥婦r. Anthony Rizzuti

Dr. Anthony Rizzuti is passionate about his role as teacher, advisor, and research mentor. His extensive professional experience and training gives 茄子视频鈥檚 School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics a distinct edge in the field of environmental science.


Dr. Rizzuti has a deep commitment to the field of environmental science (in both teaching and conducting cutting-edge research). This commitment has led to securing almost $3,000,000 in external funding, writing numerous publications, and ensuring the successful matriculation of several undergraduate and graduate students.

Dr. Rizzuti conducts research mainly in the field of environmental remediation. His extensive research experience has focused on the remediation of bodies of water polluted with several different types of contaminants (i.e., BTEX, MTBE, nitrates, phosphates, textile dyes, and heavy metals) from various industrial activities. He is currently working on developing cost-effective, environmentally friendly heavy metal remediation technologies. Traditional heavy metal waste removal techniques such as ion exchange and precipitation, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, lime coagulation, and adsorption using activated carbon and lime ash are not efficient because they are costly and have high energy input requirements. Metals may not be completely removed when these methods are applied, and toxic sludge can be generated. Dr. Rizzuti’s research has been extremely successful. He has demonstrated that organic materials (such as peats) and agricultural industry waste products (i.e., soybean hulls) work extremely well at removing (biosorbing) heavy metals from aqueous solutions. His research has demonstrated that biosorbent materials can be regenerated for re-use, and adsorbed metal ions can possibly be recovered from the biosorbent material (Volesky 2007). In addition, biosorbent materials are cost effective, efficient, do not require much energy input, and do not produce toxic sludge. Lastly, biosorbent materials can be repeatedly re-used for additional heavy metal biosorption cycles. Hence, they should not become a hazardous waste disposal problem. Biosorbent materials can be utilized in several applications as inexpensive, reusable, pre-treatment industrial water filters.


  • 1992 B.S. (Geology) University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina
  • 1995 M.S. (Environmental Geology) University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina
  • 2001 Ph.D. (Environmental Geology) University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina

Research Interests

  • Environmental Science
  • Environmental Remediation
  • Biosorption
  • Bioremediation
  • Phytoremediation
  • Environmental Geology
  • Coal and Peat Petrology
  • Freshwater and Marine Swamps, Marshes, and Wetlands
  • Hydrology of Peat-containing Wetlands
  • Using Peat-Containing Wetlands to Assess, Monitor, and Remediate Environmental, Chemical, Industrial, and Agricultural Pollution
  • Utilizing Peats and Agro-Industrial Waste Products to Remediate Various Types of Water Pollution


Dr. Rizzuti came to 茄子视频 University in 2002 after an extensive graduate and post-doctoral experience at the University of South Carolina (USC) in Columbia, SC. During his time at USC, Dr. Rizzuti completed University Classroom Teaching Training and the Preparing Future Faculty Program. In addition, he prepared and taught several geology labs and several individual geology seminars and lectures. He conducted numerous environmental remediation research projects with Dr. Arthur Cohen, who is a world renound scientist in the field of peat-containing wetlands and coal-forming environments. Dr. Rizzuti worked with Dr. Cohen in the area of environmental uses of peats and peat-containing environments. He excelled with Dr. Cohen, receiving both his masters and doctorate degrees, along with producing several peer-reviewed publications. In addition, he continued his post-doctoral research with Dr. Cohen and continues to collaborate with him since his departure from USC, resulting in several more peer-reviewed publications. During his time at USC, Dr. Rizzuti received numerous awards for his teaching and research efforts. Dr. Rizzuti started at 茄子视频 as an Assistant Professor. Then in 2010, he was promoted to Associate Professor and received tenure. During his time at 茄子视频 University, Dr. Rizzuti has continued to excel and grow as an environmental science teacher and research mentor. He has engaged, advised, and helped numerous undergraduate and graduate students matriculate into successful scientists. They have all made several conference presentations and some have peer-reviewed publications as a result of their efforts with Dr Rizzuti. In addition, they all have gone on to have successful careers or are enrolled in various graduate degree programs. Lastly, Dr. Rizzuti has secured almost $3,000,000 in external funding for 茄子视频 University.

Activities and Honors

  • Outstanding Instructional Assistant Nomination, 1995 & 1996
  • Texaco Foundation Fellowship Award, 1996
  • Vinton Gwinn Award for Outstanding Teaching, 1997
  • Mack Gipson Award for Outstanding Doctoral Research, 1998
  • Member of the South Carolina Academy of Science
  • Sigma Xi Outstanding Research Paper, 2000
  • University of South Carolina College of Science and Mathematics Dissertation Fellowship, 2001
  • Member of the Geological Society of America
  • Member of the South Carolina Association of Environmental Professionals
  • Member of the American Chemical Society
  • Reviewer of manuscripts for various scientific journals (Environmental Technology; International Journal of Coal Geology; Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A; Mires and Peat)

Recent Publications

(*with undergraduate student co-authors, **with graduate student co-authors)



  1. Rizzuti, A.M., *Newkirk, C.R., *Wilson, K.A., Cosme, L.W., & Cohen, A.D., (2017) Biosorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions using highly characterized peats.  Mires and Peat Journal, Volume 19, Article 04, 1-10.
  2. Naafs, B.D.A., Inglis, G.N., Amesbury, M., Biester, H., Bindler, R.D., Bingham, M.A., Torres, D., Chambers, F.M., Cohen, A.D., Evershed, R.P., Feakins, S., Gallego-Sala, A., Gandois, L., Gray, D.M., Hartman, B.E., Honorio, E., Huget, A., Kononen, M., Lahteenoja, O., McClymont, E., Pontevedra-Pombal, X., Ponton, C., Pourmand, A., Rizzuti, A.M., Schellekens, J., Vleesschouwer, F., Zheng, Y., and Pancost, R.D., (2017) Branched GDGT distributions in peats: introducing global peat-specific temperature and pH proxies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 208, 285-301.
  3. Rizzuti, A.M., **Ellis, F.L., & Cosme, L.W., (2015) Biosorption of mercury from dilute aqueous solutions using soybean hulls and rice hulls. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 6(4), 561-568.
  4. Rizzuti, A.M., **Ellis, F.L., Cosme, L.W., & Cohen, A.D., (2015) Biosorption of mercury from aqueous solutions using highly characterized peats.  Mires and peat Journal, Volume 16, Article 02, 1-7.
  5. Rizzuti, A.M., & *Lancaster, D.J. (2013) Utilizing soybean hulls and rice hulls to remove textile dyes from contaminated water.  Waste and Biomass Valorization; 4(3), 647-653.
  6. Rizzuti, A.M., & *Rogers, L.N. (2010) Using monochloramines to disinfect drinking water: the effects it has on lead content. Water Practice and Technology (online), 5(2), doi:10.2166/WPT.2010.045. Available from: http://www.iwaponline.com/wpt/005/02/default.htm.
  7. Rizzuti, A.M., Cohen, A.D., & *Nguyen, D.D. (2008) Evaluating peats for their capacities to extract methyl tertiary butyl ether from contaminated water using solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A; A43(2), 132-143.
  8.  Rizzuti, A.M., Cohen, A.D., (2004) Using hydraulic conductivity and micropetrography to assess water flow through peat-containing wetlands. International Journal of Coal Geology; 60(1), October, 1-16.
  9. Rizzuti, A.M., Eltayeb, S., Cohen, A.D., Stack, E.M., Liu, J., & Durig, J.R., (2003) Using highly characterized peats to extract heavy metal ions from contaminated water.  Int. Peat J.; (11), 3-13.
  10. Rizzuti, A.M., Cohen, A.D., Hunt, P.G., & Ellison, A.Q.  (2002) Retention of nitrogen and phosphorous from liquid swine and poultry manures using highly characterized peat types. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part B; B37(6), 587-611.
  11. Rizzuti, A.M., Cohen, A.D., Hunt, P.G., & Vanotti, M.B.  (1999) Evaluating peats for their capacities to remove odorous compounds from liquid swine manure using headspace “solid-phase microextraction”.  J. Environ. Sci. Health Part B; B34(4), 709-748.
  12. Rizzuti, A.M., Cohen, A.D, Hunt, P.G., Vanotti, M.B.  (1998) Testing of peats for removal of odors from liquid swine manure.  J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A; A33(8), 1719-1739.
  13. Eltayeb, S., Rizzuti, A.M., Cohen, A.D., Stack, E.M., Liu, J., & Durig, J.R.  (1998) The use of natural and altered peats for the adsorption of the BTEX components of gasoline in water. Int. Peat J.; (8), 3-12.
  14. Rizzuti, A.M., Cohen, A.D., & Stack, E.M.  (1996) Effects of irradiating peats on their ability to extract BTEX and cadmium from contaminated water.  J. Environ. Sci. Health; A31(8), 1917-1949


  1. Rizzuti, A.M., and *Orr, I.S., 2017 Using peanut bush waste to remove cadmium from aqueous solutions, Southeastern Undergraduate Research Conference, January 27-28, Columbia, SC.
  2. Rizzuti, A.M., and *Mouzone, K.D., 2016 Using cotton plant waste to remove cadmium from aqueous solutions, SERMACS, October 19-22, Columbia, SC.
  3. Rizzuti, A.M., *Mouzone, K.D., and Cosme, L.W., 2015 Biosorption of cadmium from aqueous solutions utilizing highly characterized peats, SERMACS, November 4-6, Memphis, TN.
  4. *Wilson, K.A., Rizzuti, A.M., and Cosme, L.W., 2015 Biosorption of cadmium from aqueous solutions utilizing soybean hulls, Emerging Researchers National Conference, February 19-21, 2015, Washington, DC.
  5. *Wilson, K.A., Rizzuti, A.M., and Cosme, L.W., 2014 Biosorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions utilizing soybean hulls and rice hulls, Emerging Researchers National Conference, February 20-22, 2014, Washington, DC.
  6. Rizzuti, A.M., *Wilson, K.A., & Cosme, L.W., 2013.  Biosorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions utilizing agricultural waste products, SERMACS, November 12-16, 2013, Atlanta, GA.
  7. *Newkirk, C.R., & Rizzuti, A.M., 2013.  Biosorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions using highly characterized peats.  Emerging Researchers National Conference, February 28 – March 2, 2013, Washington, DC.
  8. *Wilson, K.A., & Rizzuti, A.M., 2012.  Biosorption of mercury from aqueous solutions using highly characterized peats. SERMACS, November 14-17, Raleigh, NC.
  9. **Ellis, F.L., & Rizzuti, A.M., 2011.  Biosorption of mercury from aqueous solutions utilizing soybean hulls and rice hulls. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, November 9-12, St. Louis, MO.
  10. *Lancaster, D.J., & Rizzuti, A.M., 2010.  Extracting textile dyes from contaminated water using soybean hulls, rice hulls, and highly characterized peats. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, November 10-13, Charlotte, NC.
  11. Rizzuti, A.M., & *Lancaster, D.J., 2009. Utilizing soybean hulls, rice hulls, and highly characterized peats to extract textile dyes from contaminated water. 61st Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, October 21 – October 24, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  12. *Nguyen, D.D., & Rizzuti, A.M., 2007.  Extracting heavy metals from contaminated water using soybean hulls and rice hulls. 59th Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, October 24 – October 27, Greenville, SC.
  13. Rizzuti, A.M., & *Nguyen, D.D., 2007.  Utilizing soybean and rice hulls as activated carbons to remove heavy metals from contaminated water. 233rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 25 – March 29, Chicago, IL.
  14. Rizzuti, A.M., *Nguyen, D.D., & Cohen, A.D., 2006.  Using gas chromatography with solid-phase microextraction to evaluate peats for their capacities to extract methyl tertiary butyl ether from contaminated water. 231st American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 26 – March 30, Atlanta, GA.
  15. Rizzuti, A.M., & Cohen, A.D., 2005.  Evaluating peats for their capacities to extract methyl tertiary butyl ether from contaminated water using gas chromatography with solid-phase microextraction.  GSA Abstracts with programs, 2005 Annual Geological Society of America Meeting October 16-19, Salt Lake City, Utah, 37(7), p. 454.
  16. Rizzuti, A.M., & *Rogers, L.N., 2005.  Analyzing lead content in drinking water using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. 229th American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 13 – March 17, San Diego, CA.
  17. Rizzuti, A.M., & *Rogers, L.N., 2004.  Using solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography to assess trihalomethane content in water. 227th American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 28 – April 1, Anaheim, CA.
  18. Rizzuti, A.M., *Rogers, L.N., 2003.  Analyzing water for trihalomethane content using solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography.  55th Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, November 16-19, Atlanta, GA.
  19. Rizzuti, A.M., Cohen, A.D., Hunt, P.G., Ellison, A.Q., & Vanotti, M.B. 2002.  Using highly characterized peats to remove odors and retain nitrogen and phosphorous from liquid swine and poultry manures: A possibility of producing superior odorless fertilizers.  GSA Abstracts with programs, 2002 Annual Geological Society of America Meeting October 27-30, Denver, CO, 34(6), p. 190.
  20. Cohen, A.D., Williams, T., & Rizzuti, A.M., 2001.  Peat Bay: An archive of late Holocene changes and anthropogenic impacts at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina.  GSA Abstracts with programs, 2001 Annual Geological Society of America Meeting November 1-10, Boston, MA, 33(7), p. 133.
  21. Rizzuti, A.M., & Cohen, A.D., 2000.  Assessing water flow through peat-containing wetlands using hydraulic conductivity and micropetrography.  GSA Abstracts with programs, 2000 Annual Geological Society of America Meeting November 9-18, Reno, NV, 32(7), p. A287.
  22. Rizzuti, A.M., & Cohen, A.D., 2000.  Combining hydraulic conductivity with micropetrography to assess contaminant transport through peat-containing wetlands.  2000 Annual South Carolina Academy of Science Meeting, March 31, Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC, Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, 62, p. 80.
  23. Rizzuti, A.M., Cohen, A.D., Hunt, P.G., & Vanotti, M.B., 2000.  Using headspace “solid-phase microextraction” to evaluate peats for their capacities to remove odorous compounds from liquid swine manure.  49th Annual Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America Meeting, March 23-24, Charleston, SC, 32(2), p. A69.
  24. Rizzuti, A.M., & Cohen, A.D., 2000.  Hydraulic conductivity and micropetrography as tools for assessing contaminant transport through peat-containing wetlands. 49th Annual Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America Meeting, March 23-24, Charleston, SC, 32(2), p. A69.
  25. Cohen, A.D., and Rizzuti, A.M., 1997, Using Headspace “Solid-Phase Microextraction”             Analysis to Test Peats for Removal of Odorous Compounds from Liquid Swine Manure: Final Report to USDA/ARS, Coastal Plains Research Center (Order # 40-4620-7-69), 31         pp.
  26. Rizzuti, A.M., and Cohen, A.D., 1996, Literature Search Related to Odor Removal and Pollution Effects Resulting from the Swine Production Industry, Final Report/USDA/ARS, 90 pp.
  27. Rizzuti, A.M., and Cohen, A.D., 1996, CRIS Progress Report, USDA, Testing of Peats for Removal of Odors from Hog Farm Effluents, 20pp.
  28. Cohen, A.D., and Rizzuti, A.M., 1996, Testing of Peats for Removal of Odors from Hog Farming Effluents: Final Report to USDA/ARS, Coastal Plains Research Center (CRIS 6657-13000-005-06 S), 110 pp.
  29. Rizzuti, A.M., & Cohen, A.D., 1995. Irradiating peat: What effect does this have on its ability to extract BTEX and cadmium from contaminated water?  GSA Abstracts with programs, 1995 Annual Geological Society of America Meeting, November 6-9, New Orleans, LA, 27(6), p. A88.
  30. Cohen, A.D., Stack, E.M., Rizzuti, A.M., Eltayeb, S., Liu, J., & Durig, J.R., 1995.  Properties of peats as media for remediation of water contaminated with metals and/or gasoline-derived hydrocarbons.  GSA Abstracts with programs, 1995 Annual Geological Society of America Meeting, November 6-9, New Orleans, LA, 27(6), p. A139.

Anthony Rizzuti
鈥婦r. Anthony Rizzuti
Associate Professor of Chemistry/Environmental Science
  • School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
James S. Thomas, 315